Sonntag, 20. Mai 2012

Rurutu Woche / Rurutu week

During 14th-18th of May 2012 we run the Rurutu week in Grundschule Winzenhohl. The pupils discovered culture, music, dance and the way of life of one of our Comenius partners: French Polynesia. Each class was invited to see the PPT presentation about the French Polynesian school on the island RurutuGS Auti-Avera-Moerai. 
       During the presentation the pupils were asked to comment some pictures from Rurutu. They have noticed immediately the difference between the children from Rurutu and themselves: The color of the clothes, the crowns of flowers etc. 


Claudia Düsel, teacher of class 3/4c is distributing the shell necklace from French Polynesia. The children were very surprised and happy with this present. Thank you !

The children are exploring the shell, the traditional pestle coral "le penu" and they also try to turn "la toupie", the typical play game in Rurutu school.

The pupils were also invited to look an exhibition of products from Rurutu's pupils: The drawing on coconut bark, the recipes written by pupils, the artistic creation, the several memory game with exotic fruits, the legend of the coconut tree, the poems about taro / local vegetable / and the riddle in French and in English.


 There was also to learn to know several local products: Little basket and hand-fan made from pandanus ( local plante ), "le penu" the traditional pestle crafted of coral, "la toupie" the original play game, the soap with flour Tiare, the money in Fr.Polynesia and the black sand.

And at the end it was time to work. In groups they received a packet of table games (memory or black peter) made by Rurutu pupils. I have to say, that the most popular was "Black Peter"! Thank you Poema for this present. The children enjoyed so much!

Giving to our pupils such a cultural background about school's live in Rurutu is a very precious way to create the respect for other countries. The pupils needed to be introduced to the another world, to explain what is different compared to Germany. All this was to educate their minds that the world is big and they have to explore our globe.


Children with special needs from class G3 during the Rurutu week.

Dienstag, 15. Mai 2012

Europawoche / Europe week

Anlässlich der Europawoche vom 7.-11.Mai 2012 konnten die Kinder der Grundschule-Winzenhohl mehr über unsere Partnerländer des Comenius-Projektes "Good food - feel well!" lernen. Im Mehrzweckraum wurden viele Landkarten und Bilder der europäischen Partner ausgestellt. Die Kinder konnten eine Welt- und Europakarte anschauen. Sie versuchten auch in verschiedenen europäischen Sprachen "Hallo" zu sagen und haben eine Präsentation angeschaut, die die typischen Speisen aus jedem Partnerland und die Maskottchen der Partnerschulen vorstellte. Zum Schluss hat Comenius-Assistentin Lucia Prokešová ihre Heimat Slowakei präsentiert und einen slowakischen Tanz mit Musik "Išeu Macek do Mauacek" gelehrt.

During Europe week 7th -11th of May 2012 the children of primary school in Winzenhohl could explore countries and food of all our partners of Comenius Project "Good food - feel wel!l". For all classes maps of Europe and the globe were prepared. The children should also try to say "Hello" in quite a number of European languages. After watching the Power Point Presentation about typical food from each partner country and the mascots of the schools, Comenius Assistent Lucia Prokešová presented her country Slovakia and tought the Slovak dance "Išeu Macek do Mauacek".


Slovak dance "Išeu Macek do Mauacek"
The children learnt more about the country Slovakia.


The typical Slovak dance.

Samstag, 5. Mai 2012

Gesunde Ernährung / Healthy food

Während 2 Wochen hat Förderlehrerin Julia Krapf mit allen Schulklassen eine Unterrichtseinheit über gesunde und ungesunde Ernährung durchgeführt. Für jede Klasse wurde eine Diskussionsrunde vorbereitet. Die Schüler haben verschiedenene Bildkarten bekommen und sollten entscheiden und begründen: Ist dieses Lebensmittel gesund oder ungesund ?
Die Schülern sollen nicht nur mit Ja oder Nein antworten. Sie sollten auch erklären WARUM es gesund oder ungesund ist!.

During 2 weeks our teacher Julia Karpf tought about healthy and unhealthy food in all our classes.  The pupils got different pictures of food and they had to decide:
Is this healthy or unhealthy?
And they also should try to explain WHY it is healthly or unhealthy!

Mittwoch, 2. Mai 2012

Zitronenernte/ Harvesting lemons

Zitronenerntenach einem Meisterwerk von Paul Klee /
Harvesting lemons using the style of Paul Klee's masterpiece