Klassenlehrerin: Maresa Karpf (2011/12)
Smoothies - Workshop days
Wir haben leckere, fruchtige und gesunde smoothies selbst zubereitet./ During our workshop days "Good food - feel well!" in July 2012 we prepared tasty, fruity and healthy smoothies.
Zitronenernte/ Harvesting lemons
Vitaminflöße / Vitamin floats
Rote grüne, runde und eckige Pause / Red, green, round and angular break
Class E4 printed kitchen-pinafores with funny phrases.
Scherzkeks - joker (biscuit)
Krümelmonster - cookie monster
Kichererbse - chickpea
Honigkuchen -gingerbread
Scheunendrescher - eating like a horse
Springbonbon - jumping candy
Naschkatze - (cat with) sweet tooth
Zuckermonster - sugar monster
Erdbeerblubber - strawberry blubber
Erdbeerblubber - strawberry blubber
Kürbissuppe / Pumpkin soup
Rezept / Recipe

Klassenlehrerin : Maresa Karpf
Kürbissuppe / Pumpkin soup
Rezept / Recipe
Klassenlehrerin : Maresa Karpf