Samstag, 11. August 2012

"Vom Korn zum Brot" - Gruppen unserer Schule besuchen während der Projekttage "Good food - feel well!" die Umweltstation in Kleinostheim, lernen verschiedene Getreidesorten kennen, mahlen Mehl und backen Stockbrot.

During our workshop days "Good food - feel well!" two groups of our school visited Umweltstation Kleinostheim to learn to know the different sorts of grain, to mill the grain and to bake bread.

Sonntag, 5. August 2012

"Good food - feel well"   Projekttage - Workshop days

17.-20. Juli 2012

Alle Kinder konnten täglich einen anderen Workshop wählen.
All pupils could choose another workshop each day.

Julia Merget-Daum: Cocktails
Kornelia Volkert: Fair chocolate
Kornelia Volkert: Milk
Kornelia Volkert: Klimafrühstück/ How our breakfast influences climate change
Monika Popp:  Klimafrühstück/ How our breakfast influences climate change
Monika Popp: Fair chocolate
Maresa Karpf: Smoothies
Maresa Karpf: From grain to bread
Fred Völker: Exotic fruits
Jasmin Jörg: Fruit bombs
Elke Helfrich: Selfmade ice-cream
Anne Kießling: German traditional dishes with meat (Fleischküchle/ Gulasch)
Claudia Düsel: Sports and snack
Claudia Düsel: From grain to bread
Carina Herteux: Custard traditional and modern style
Denise Gütelein & Theresa Lippert: How to make yogurt
Julia Krapf: Comenius suitcases 
M. Ludolph/ S. Scherer/ E. Frankl: Turkish breakfast