Sonntag, 5. August 2012

"Good food - feel well"   Projekttage - Workshop days

17.-20. Juli 2012

Alle Kinder konnten täglich einen anderen Workshop wählen.
All pupils could choose another workshop each day.

Julia Merget-Daum: Cocktails
Kornelia Volkert: Fair chocolate
Kornelia Volkert: Milk
Kornelia Volkert: Klimafrühstück/ How our breakfast influences climate change
Monika Popp:  Klimafrühstück/ How our breakfast influences climate change
Monika Popp: Fair chocolate
Maresa Karpf: Smoothies
Maresa Karpf: From grain to bread
Fred Völker: Exotic fruits
Jasmin Jörg: Fruit bombs
Elke Helfrich: Selfmade ice-cream
Anne Kießling: German traditional dishes with meat (Fleischküchle/ Gulasch)
Claudia Düsel: Sports and snack
Claudia Düsel: From grain to bread
Carina Herteux: Custard traditional and modern style
Denise Gütelein & Theresa Lippert: How to make yogurt
Julia Krapf: Comenius suitcases 
M. Ludolph/ S. Scherer/ E. Frankl: Turkish breakfast

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